Programs / Retreats / Trainings

Join Charry for Prana Nidra.
Prana Nidra is THE most effective yoga technique to rest and recharge in just few minutes. This practice; which is still unfamiliar to the western yoga world, uses breathing visualizations to generate a three stage recharging process:
- Calms the energy flow along the energy meridians (nadhis)
- Induces the Body/Mind system into deep relaxation.
- Stimulates and enhances optimal vitality to the practitioner.
What to expect:
- Savasana pose throughout
- Guided concentration
- Directed relaxation
- Sleeping is advised

Join Charry for Dreamwork:
Got a BIG dream?
Got a recurring dream?
Got a dream that leaves you wondering?
Using Embodied Imagination (see Bosnak’s Embodiment: Creative Imagination in Medicine, Art and Travel) to work directly with your dream images in a felt, enlivening manner, Charry accompanies you into your dream world for waking world information.

BeBright365 Yoga Mentorship Program:
- Learn about the animating principle of Yoga.
- Discover how to Self Realize Yoga.
- Continue to study the integral aspects of the Hatha Raja Yoga tradition.
- Embody the living and breathing vital force within You.
- Become established in the classical teachings of Yoga.
Intro Level: 1, 1 hour session/week for 1 month $99
Beyond the Basics: 2, 1 hour sessions/week for 1 month $145
Intermediate: 3, 1 hour sessions/week for 1 month $225
Advanced: 4, 1 hour sessions/week for 1 month $345
Online Only.
Email with questions:

BeBright365 Breath Based Yoga Teacher Training:
- Learn the science behind the Breath Based Yoga method.
- Become better able to practice to your own natural rhythm and dimensions.
- Study the integral aspects of the Hatha Raja Yoga tradition.
- Come to embody the living and breathing vital force within You.
- Gain a thorough Yoga education from experienced guides which prepares you to walk the path of Yoga for the rest of your life in a healthy, positive, and frictionless way.
Accepting Applications for 2023
Email for Application here:
$2800 YA track
$2000 Non-YA track

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